How to cancel the order that has been sent at Shopee- Have you ever been in a position to cancel the order in Shopee but your order has been processed and sent by the seller? Can your order can still be canceled? The following is the answer to the question.
1. Can't
Yes, in general, according to the policy of Shopee, the order that has been processed and sent by the seller cannot be canceled. The order cancellation button is automatically lost from the buyer's transaction menu.
Even so, there are still a few possibilities and ways to cancel the order.
2. Negotiations with sellers
You can cancel the order manually by negotiating with the seller. You can use the chat feature in the Shopee application to do it. You can explain the reason you want to cancel your order that has been processed by the seller.
Generally, the seller will feel disadvantaged and reject the negotiations.
However, in some cases, there are sellers who allow the buyer to cancel the order as long as the buyer is pleased to send the order items that have arrived and bear the postage return. In addition, several sellers also provide conditions to return money not in accordance with the nominal purchase but are reduced by administrative costs from the Shopee side 2-6% of the price of goods.
If you don't mind these conditions, you can cancel your order.
3. Can, if the item received is defective or not according to
You can also cancel the order that has been sent if the item received is defective. You can do it after the items sent to your hands. If you already, you only need to take pictures that have arrived and show the defects of the items or errors contained in the product. That way, you can restore the items received to the seller and your money will be reefunded to your Shopeepay account. However, this method only applies if the item is truly deformed or not according to your order.
4. Can, if your order uses the COD payment method
You can use this way to cancel your order that has been sent by the seller as long as your order uses the COD or Cash On Delivery payment method where you just paid when the item arrived. You can refuse the package or not pay the package by giving an explanation to the courier. The courier will mark your order package as a returned item and return the package to the seller. How to often do by buyers for reason there is no money to pay for the package. Although it is painful for the courier and seller if the goods are deployed or not paid, the proof is that there are still many people who do it. Do it if you have certain conditions that make you unable to receive the package. Don't be intentional, huh. Appreciate couriers and sellers!
That's some way to cancel the order that has been sent in Shopee. Hopefully this article is helpful and helpful. If something is unclear, please ask through the comments column. Thank you and see you in my other writing.