How to claim free vouchers and cashback on shopee- Here is a simple guide to claim free vouchers on postage and cashback in the shopee application. This voucher is very helpful because it is free and can make us more profit when shopping. Please listen.
Step 1 - Open the Shopee application, then open the Voucher menu
Image from NINURA
First, please open your shopee application. Make sure you have logged in using your account. After that, on the Shopee application page, please just press the voucher menu as I showed the picture above. For his position it can change according to the update of the application. If the position doesn't match the image, please try you to slide the menu.,
Step 2 - Press Claims on the available vouchers
Image from NINURA
After that, you will see a variety of free vouchers that you can claim. Please just claim all the existing vouchers by pressing the claim button on the right side of the voucher. If it has not been claimed or still available, the button's writing is a claim as I showed number 1 in the image while if the voucher is claimed, the writing is as I showed it in number 2. Please scroll the page to find other vouchers.
That's a little guide how to claim vouchers for free shipping and cashback and other promo vouchers from Shopee in the Shopee application itself. If anyone is confusing, please ask through the comments column below. Thank you, good luck and see you in my other writing.
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